Master Water Cart – Trailer – 2000L with Water Blaster / Water Jetter
Water Carts for Hire
Master Water Cart – Trailer – 2000L with Water Blaster / Water Jetter
Hire a Master Water Cart - Trailer - 2000L with a Honda Water Blaster engine and a Honda High Flow water pump.
The Master Water Cart has a 2000L water capacity.
The Master Water Cart has a water blaster capable of 3500 psi with a flow rate up to 30L/Min which can be fitted with a water blaster wand, rotary surface cleaners or drain cleaning nozzles. It comes standard with a 30m hose high pressure water hose. The water cart can be used as a Drain Cleaner for all your drain cleaning and culvert cleaning maintenance jobs.
It is a purpose built water cart trailer which also features a Honda twin-impellor high flow water pump and comes fitted with a dust suppression nozzle / flood jet nozzle for dust suppression and a wash down hose with a 30m hose on a reel...
The water blaster comes with a powerful Honda GX690 engine which is electric start.
This unit can be self-filled with a pump from a creek or river, fire hydrant, or with a garden hose.
With it's 1-7/8 and 50mm dual tow coupling it can be towed behind a ute or small commercial vehicle.
The Master Water Cart - 2000L with water blaster is available for short and long-term hire from both branches in Hastings and Napier, as well as for hire on a long-term basis New Zealand wide, including regions such as Waikato, Auckland, Wellington and the South Island.