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Over the years our team have been asked a number of questions regarding Hiring, booking and returning equipment. This FAQs section will cover all these and more.

All the help you’ll need to get started can be find below.

Still have questions unanswered?
Give us a call 06 872 6774

While the machine is out on hire, the normal hire period would apply. However if it is poor weather and you phone the office at the beginning of the day, we can off hire the machine for the day that you called. Any off hires will only be accepted if communicated at the beginning of the day, not after the hire or at the time of return. If tracking devices pick up that the machine has been used during that day, a normal day charge will apply. Call us today on 06 872 6774 to talk to an Allways Hire representative or email simon@allwayshire.co.nz.

Please give us a call if you are running late and we can wait. If things have really been held up then we can make another arrangement for when the machine can be returned, this will depend if there is another customer waiting to hire the machine. Call us today on 06 872 6774 to talk to an Allways Hire representative or email simon@allwayshire.co.nz.

No problems, if you get your project or job complete then that is the ultimate outcome. We will calculate the hours used during the hire period and discuss this with you.

Please give us a call if you find the machine isn’t big enough or not doing the correct job. Especially with agricultural equipment, there are many factors that you need to check to get the right outcome. If you find within half an hour of use the machine isnt doing the job, give us a call and you can return the machine and there will be no charge. Call us today on 06 872 6774 to talk to an Allways Hire representative or email simon@allwayshire.co.nz.

No problems. It is often the case where there is unforeseen circumstances that causes a job to take longer than anticipated. Simply call into the office and let us know so we can advise any customer who may be needing the machine next. Call us today on 06 872 6774 to talk to an Allways Hire representative or email simon@allwayshire.co.nz.

You will need to check your specific vehicle tow bar capacity and check if the trailer has brakes as this can effect the maximum towing capacity. A safe guide is to ensure the trailer (with brakes) and machine is under 2500Kgs. For example a 1.7 ton digger on a trailer is under the 2500kg weight and can be towed by any vehicle with a suitable tow bar.

Yes, any machine or vehicle leaving the hire yard must have some form of insurance cover, either provided by the hirer or using Allways Hire’s policy cover. Click on the insurance tab to find out more.

Call us today on 06 872 6774 to talk to an Allways Hire representative or email simon@allwayshire.co.nz.

Yes. It is expected that the machine is returned in the same condition as it was supplied. In some instances operators don’t have the facility to clean machines when they have finished on a work site and factor in the cleaning fee to their costs.

No problems. All machines are supplied fill of fuel and are expected to be returned fill. If you are unable to refill the machine upon return a refueling fee will apply.

Always give us call if you have any problems with any machine. Our team will make a decision on what to do next. This could be a call out to repair the fault or a replacement machine supplied. Our aim is to have you completing your job safely and as efficiently as possible. Call us today on 06 872 6774 to talk to an Allways Hire representative or email simon@allwayshire.co.nz.

Yes, the hire period is for time out, not machine hours used. While the machine is out on hire we are unable to hire to anyone else so normal charges apply regardless of how much it is used.

Our weekend deal is based on a special arrangement where you have the convenience of collecting it on a Friday afternoon, and returning it first thing Monday morning. If the machine hours used is 8 hours or under then a one day hire charge applies even though you have had it all weekend. This gives you the convenience of doing some work on Saturday and finishing off on Sunday. If you do more than 8 hours then excess hours are charged e.g. if the machine you hired was used for 10 hours, you will be charged for 1.25 days.  This arrangement gives you the benefit of getting small jobs done over the 2 day period of a normal weekend. You can learn more about it here.